Tender : #10009


Tender Id.#10009

Reference No.3SURVIS310524

Basic Information:
  • Tender Type: Tender
  • Category: Electronic Items
  • Sub Category: optical instruments
  • Payment Mode: cash
  • Item Work Details:

    The 6-in-1 DIY Educational Kit includes a Wemos D1 Mini Microcontroller, an LDR Sensor, LEDs, a Buzzer, Wires, a Breadboard, a USB Cable, a Relay, a Lamp Holder, and a 5 Watt Lamp. This hands-on kit allows students to learn basic electronics and DIY projects from the ground up. When the light in a room turns off, the relay activates the lamp, demonstrating practical applications of sensors and microcontrollers. The kit also includes a screwdriver and a user manual with programming source code, project flow, and component descriptions.

  • Terms and Conditions:

    Terms and Conditions for Tender Submission

    1. Introduction

    1.1. SURVIS IOT INDIA Pvt Ltd invites sealed tenders for the supply of the 6-in-1 DIY Educational Kit. 1.2. The kit should include the following components:

    • Wemos D1 Mini Microcontroller
    • LDR Sensor
    • LED
    • Buzzer
    • Wires
    • Breadboard
    • USB Cable
    • Relay
    • Lamp Holder
    • 5 Watt Lamp
    • Screwdriver
    • User Manual (Programming Source Code, Program Flow, Component Description)

    2. Eligibility Criteria

    2.1. The bidder must be a registered company or firm with a valid GST number. 2.2. The bidder should have a minimum of 2 years of experience in manufacturing educational kits. 2.3. The bidder must provide at least three references from previous clients.

    3. Submission of Tender

    3.1. Tenders must be submitted in sealed envelopes, clearly marked "Tender for 6-in-1 DIY Educational Kit". 3.2. The tender submission deadline is [insert deadline date and time]. 3.3. Late submissions will not be considered.

    4. Technical Specifications

    4.1. The educational kit must include detailed assembly instructions and all required components. 4.2. Each kit should be packaged securely to prevent damage during transit. 4.3. The components must meet all relevant safety standards and certifications.

    5. Pricing and Payment

    5.1. The tender must include a detailed price breakdown, including unit price, taxes, and any other charges. 5.2. Payment terms will be [insert payment terms], and invoices must be submitted upon delivery. 5.3. The pricing should be valid for at least 90 days from the date of submission.

    6. Delivery

    6.1. The delivery period must be clearly specified in the tender. 6.2. The kits must be delivered to [insert delivery address] within the agreed timeframe. 6.3. Any delays in delivery must be communicated in advance and may incur penalties.

    7. Warranty and Support

    7.1. The bidder must provide a minimum of a one-year warranty on all components of the kit. 7.2. Support for assembly and troubleshooting should be available through phone or email.

    8. Evaluation Criteria

    8.1. Tenders will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    • Compliance with technical specifications
    • Price competitiveness
    • Delivery schedule
    • Past performance and references 8.2. SURVIS IOT INDIA Pvt Ltd reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.

    9. Confidentiality

    9.1. All information provided in the tender documents is confidential and intended solely for the purpose of this tender.

    10. Dispute Resolution

    10.1. Any disputes arising out of this tender process shall be subject to the jurisdiction of [insert location] courts.

    11. Contact Information

    11.1. For any queries or clarifications, please contact:

    • Name: [Contact Person]
    • Phone: [Contact Number]
    • Email: [Contact Email]

    By submitting a tender, the bidder agrees to abide by the terms and conditions outlined above.

Tender Work Item Details:
  • Item Name: Microcontroller: Wemos D1 Mini Microcontroller Sensor: 1 LDR Sensor. Wire: 10 Pieces. Bread Board: 1 Pieces. LED: 2 Pieces. Buzzer: 1 Pieces. Relay: 1 Pieces. Lamp Holder: 1 Pieces Lamp 5 Watt: 1 Pieces Screw Driver: 1Pieces USB Cable: 1 Pieces(For Program Burning). User Manual: Programming Source Code, Program flow, Component Description.
  • Item Quantity: 1 N/A
  • Start Price: 1000

Place Bid

Bid Start Date 05 June, 2024 12:30

Bid Submission End Date 17 August, 2024 12:30

Bid Open Date 20 June, 2024 16:00

Tender File Document