Tender : #10007


Tender Id.#10007

Reference No.2SURVIS300524

Basic Information:
  • Tender Type: Tender
  • Category: Electronic Items
  • Sub Category: Digital indicator
  • Payment Mode: cash
  • Item Work Details:

    The MQ-3 Alcohol Detector Gas Sensor uses a tin dioxide (SnO2) semiconductor layer with low conductivity in clean air. When alcohol vapour is present, it oxidises on the sensor's surface, leading to decreased resistance. This change in resistance is measured and converted into an electrical signal, which correlates with alcohol concentration. The MQ-3 sensor is susceptible, fast-responding, and cost-effective, making it ideal for breathalyzers and other alcohol detection applications.

  • Terms and Conditions:

    Terms and Conditions for Tender of MQ-3 Alcohol Detector Gas Sensor Module

    • Eligibility:

      • Applicants must be legally registered manufacturers or suppliers.
      • Applicants must have a proven track record in producing or supplying electronic sensor modules.
    • Submission Requirements:

      • Complete tender application form.
      • Detailed proposal including product specifications, pricing, and delivery timelines.
      • Proof of previous relevant projects and client references.
    • Proposal Evaluation:

      • Proposals will be evaluated based on product quality, cost-effectiveness, delivery time, and previous experience.
      • Shortlisted applicants may be required to provide samples or conduct a demonstration of the product.
    • Quality Assurance:

      • Products must meet specified technical standards and certifications.
      • Applicants must provide quality assurance documentation and test reports.
    • Confidentiality:

      • All information provided by the tendering company must be kept confidential.
      • Applicants must not disclose any proprietary information related to the MQ-3 sensor module.
    • Intellectual Property:

      • All intellectual property related to the sensor module design and technology must be disclosed.
      • Applicants must not use or disclose any developed IP without prior consent.
    • Compliance:

      • Applicants must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.
      • Products must adhere to safety and environmental standards.
    • Payment Terms:

      • Payment schedules will be agreed upon before the commencement of the supply.
      • Final payment will be made upon successful delivery and acceptance of the product.
    • Delivery and Implementation:

      • Products must be delivered within the agreed timeline.
      • Regular updates and progress reports are required.
    • Support and Maintenance:

      • Applicants must provide post-delivery support and warranty for a specified period.
      • Any additional support or modifications will be subject to a separate agreement.
    • Termination:

      • The tendering company reserves the right to terminate the contract if terms are breached.
      • Notice of termination will be provided in writing.
    • Liability:

      • Applicants are responsible for ensuring the products are free from defects and meet the specified standards.
      • Any damages arising from non-compliance or defects will be the responsibility of the applicant.
    • Dispute Resolution:

      • Any disputes arising from this tender will be resolved through negotiation.
      • If unresolved, disputes will be subject to arbitration in the tendering company’s jurisdiction.
    • Contact Information:

      • All inquiries and submissions must be directed to the designated contact person of the tendering company.

    These terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the tendering company.

Tender Work Item Details:
  • Item Name: MQ-3 is very useful Alcohol Detector Gas Sensor Module.
  • Item Quantity: 1 1
  • Start Price: 300

Place Bid

Bid Start Date 30 May, 2024 18:19

Bid Submission End Date 16 August, 2024 18:20

Bid Open Date 20 June, 2024 18:19

Tender File Document